String Pocket metal
String Pocket metal
String Pocket metal
String Pocket metal
String Pocket metal

String Pocket metal

String Pocket metal is a complete shelving package with two panels and three shelves. You can choose among a range of colours and materials. Stri... more details

Available in 8/9 weeks


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H. 50 x W. 60 x D. 15 cm
With one packet you get 3 shelfs and a pair of wall-mounted brackets. Perforated shelf in order to add accessories.
Powder coated metal
Nils Strinning

String Pocket metal is a complete shelving package with two panels and three shelves.

String Pocket metal is a complete shelving package with two panels and three shelves. You can choose among a range of colours and materials. String Pocket metal can be combined in a host of ways. With one packet you get one shelf, with two packets you can build up to three sections.

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